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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2021

Best Fishing Line For Redfish

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  Redfish and other saltwater fish could be a tough catch, but the right fishing line will make the whole experience more rewarding. For those who are new to this sport, here is a quick guide about different types of fishing lines and how they function: From left to right: Monofilament Fishing Lines, Fluorocarbon Fishing Lines, & Braided Fishing Lines Monofilament fishing lines for redfish are the most popular among anglers because of its durability. These lines are thin, flexible and translucent which allows it to cast light lures with ease. The downside is how easily they can get tangled up in underwater vegetation or in your hands when you attempt to reel in the catch. Monofilament lines are also known for breaking at the knot which makes it impossible to tie a new line and requires you to cut and retie your entire fishing line. The good news is that it's less expensive than other types of fishing lines, but this comes with its own set of problems if you don't know what...

The Best Bait For Tarpon

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  I'm fond of fishing for tarpon off Key West. And I've had a lot of luck on the flats just north of old Fort Jefferson. The area is known as 'The Battery.' It's got such a prolific population of tarpon that they used to turn them loose here following swordfish tournaments at the end of each season. This whole area used to be nothing but pineapple fields, but now its mostly condos. It's one of the most expensive places in Key West. If you're really rich, you can even afford a penthouse apartment on top of Fort Jefferson itself. But if tarpon are your thing, you don't care about all that fancy building stuff. All you want to do is catch tarpon . And what makes this so special? The area has lots of big, flat rocks that the tarpon like to hang around under. It's not unusual to come across a four or five-footer here, even if they tend to be a little smaller than those I've found further south. But I'm not complaining- I think the smaller fish a...

How To Choose Fishing Rod For Tarpon

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  When choosing a fishing rod for catching Tarpon , one must consider the weight of the lure, weather conditions in which he fished and also his own ability in casting. You should choose a light line weight when you feel exhausted after 2-3 days or when your arms start hurting during fishing. You can ensure easy casting if the rod is handled with the light line weight. If you are an expert angler, feel free to go for a fishing rod that weighs between 8-13 oz. A stiffer rod may not give you the sensitivity that you need if it is very windy or rainy. You can look at our top picks for this year here . The size of of your lure is another important factor. If you are using larger lures, make sure that the rod has a strong backbone; if the Tarpon strikes at your lure and misses it may break. The fishing rods that we have mentioned above offer an optimum level of sensitivity and stiffness for varying conditions and weights of lures including heavy ones. If you are not very experienced, i...

How To Choose Fishing Rod For Snook

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  Choosing the right fishing rod for snook is not that easy task to do especially if you are a beginner. I will guide you with this article on how to choose the best one. Introduction: Snook , also called as common snook, is popular species of fish found in shallow coastal waters throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Snook belongs to the family of Centropomidae, which consists of many species like black basses, sunfishes and other types of snooks. The scientific name of a common snook is "Centropomus undecimalis". Snook have a large head with a short rounded snout. It's body is very deep and compressed. Anal fin of snook is found in between or just slightly ahead of pelvic fins and it has 19 to 22 soft rays. Snook has a large mouth that forms an oblique line, which extends beyond the eyes and its lower jaw protrudes beyond the upper. Snook's color varies from olive brown to bright red with silver sides and a golden belly. Best Rod for Snook: Snook...